METAR TAF Other Links Past 48-hour METAR METAR in this month
How to decode METAR/TAF?
Latest METAR (Issued by Hong Kong International Airport)

METAR VHHH 101000Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW040 18/08 Q1019 BECMG 
FM1000 10010KT= 

Latest TAF (Issued by Hong Kong International Airport)

TAF VHHH 100800Z 1009/1115 27010KT 9999 FEW040 
                      TX20/1106Z TN16/1023Z 
                      BECMG 1009/1011 10010KT 
                      TEMPO 1104/1109 28010KT= 

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Aviation Briefing Limited

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Weather Underground of Hong Kong

ICAO: VHHH (Hong Kong International Airport)

Decoded 6-hourly Surface Synoptic Report
Latest METAR
Latest TAF

Hong Kong Weather Graphics

METAR from the Hong Kong International Airport (ICAO: VHHH) in the past 72 hours are plotted in the following graphs.

Temperature Variation
Visibility Variation
Pressure Variation
Wind Speeds & Directions

Hong Kong Observatory

Weather Forecast for Local Aviation
Aviation Weather Report (METAR/SPECI)
Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)

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